5 departments in your company that can benefit from call recording

by | Jan 22, 2019 | Recordia News

Every business has heard of call recording in some form of another. But not many realise the potential that lies within it, when you choose the correct product. Read on to learn which 5 departments in your company that can benefit from call recording.

Call recording is one of the most powerful yet underused tools by both small and large companies alike and can be used throughout a range of departments. Many businesses fear call recording because of privacy concerns. But is there a need to worry? No one has time to listen to all outgoing and incoming or outgoing calls, but with a call recording solution, you can collect key information automatically and extract it with ease to improve all areas of your business. The benefits are endless.

Our cloud call recording solution Recordia is used by many corporations and SMBs and allows you to capture, record, encrypt and store all interactions between your employees and potential and current clients.

Read more on what exactly call recording is in our previous post here.

Why should my company invest in call recording?

First, of course is complying with regulations such as GDPR and MiFID II. However, besides this, call recording can aid your business in its growth, development and digital transformation. It’s predicted that 60% of all IT expenses and up to 70% of all software, services and technology will be based in the Cloud by 2020. There are endless possibilities with how call recording can benefit you company. Recordia can be adapted to your company´s needs.

What teams can benefit from call recording?

The two main departments we think of when we talk about call recording are customer service and sales. However, call recording can benefit other teams and departments.

1. Customer service

By recording employee-client interactions, you can easily identify problems and come up with solutions to improve employee and corporate performance. You can easily find and assess weaknesses within your customer service team and provide the necessary training. Recording calls can be very beneficial in role-plays when training employees, as they are examples of real life calls that employees will most likely receive.

2. Sales team

The main objective you should have when it comes to your customer is satisfying their needs. Recent research by Gartner has found that it’s necessary to move more seller interactions into digital channels, to build a data driven organization and increase your ability to satisfy customer needs.

This is essential as selling processes are “notoriously and stubbornly analog.” Lets use sales calls as an example, as reps phone conversation with a prospect is a well of information about the prospects readiness to buy and qualitative information about the sellers performance. Even if the call is recorded, the qualitative insights remain locked in the audio file. There’s no way to extract and utilize this information. That is if you have not got Recordia.

As sales processes become more digitized, seller effectiveness will increase. According to Gartner research B2B sales are transforming into a trusted advisor role. They believe and we concur, that these changes will drive more investment into AI- enabled Data Intelligent Solutions and these will become the competitive differentiator between companies.

Voice entry is becoming more and more common with companies utilizing it reaping the benefits. Gartner spoke to companies using this technology who deem it as vital for their daily sales processes. Once such company credits their 25% improvement in revenue growth to its use of this technology, due to the time it saves sellers entering and retrieving data from the SFA system.

There are many other benefits of call recording for your sales team including training staff, developing and improving skills and strategies and improving conversions. If you want to learn more about how call recording can help your sales team read our article here.

3. Marketing

The main reason for marketing teams to use recorded calls is to help craft and refine the message they are sending. By listening to calls, you can identify what customers are asking, how they’re asking and what their needs are. This can help you to find out what terms you need to use to improve SEO and SEM. It can also help evaluate marketing campaigns, create or improve buyer personas and improve lead quality.

4. R&D and Speech Analytics

Call recording can be very beneficial for the R&D department in regards to product development. By listening to what clients and potential clients are looking for in a product or service, you can improve and adapt your products and services to their needs.

Speech analytics is becoming increasingly important for businesses. Analyzing your customer’s calls is the best way to grasp the performance of your business, 92% of all interactions with customers occur through the phone, the information you access through the recording of calls can become a gold mine, getting information on customer satisfaction, turnover, employee performance, campaign effectiveness and service problems, among many others. 

Revising and analyzing them manually is not realistic and unsophisticated. With our solution Recordia you can transcribe and analyze 100% of the recorded calls generating valuable information, you will also be able to automatically identify and analyze keywords, phrases of interest, categories and topics treated during the calls in order to reveal trends, concerns and opportunities.

5. IT and analytics

Call recording can benefit the IT department by freeing up time otherwise spent maintaining infrastructure and thus allowing them to have more time to develop strategies and innovative ideas that could help your business grow.


Our cloud based call recording software Recordia, is an interactions recorder designed to keep track of office communications, employee-client interactions and store them for an unlimited amount of time on the cloud. A perfectly adaptable service for the particular needs of each company, whatever its size: from small businesses to corporations. Don´t hesitate to get in contact with us if you want to learn more about Recordia and its benefits for your business.